#customer experience

#customer experience

Box Delivery

Box Delivery

By centralizing the value proposition on the delivery drivers, weme helped Box Delivery transform the delivery experience and achieve the status of Rappi's largest acquisition in Brazil.

By centralizing the value proposition on the delivery drivers, weme helped Box Delivery transform the delivery experience and achieve the status of Rappi's largest acquisition in Brazil.

What we did

What we did

  • Exploratory research 

  • Mapping and prioritizing opportunities 

  • Defining value delivery for your users

  • Prototyping and testing

  • Business model iteration

  • Defining requirements for the digital product




retention of the delivery drivers for 12 months


Acquisition of Rappi throughout Brazil



In an oversaturated last-mile logistics market, Box Delivery, under the leadership of Felipe Criniti, sought to make a genuine impact. In the company's early days with a still small number of deliveries per week, the challenge was distinct: how to stand out in such a competitive landscape?

Turning Point

Turning Point

A weme and Box had a clear understanding: delivery drivers are the core of any logistics company. Although this perception was shared, there was a vast unexplored territory. Through in-depth research focused on delivery drivers, we identified the opportunity to centralize our value proposition on them. This perspective brought transformative initiatives to light that put delivery drivers not only at the center of the operation, but also at the heart of the brand experience.



With an innovative and delivery-centric approach, Box Delivery has not only raised its operational standards but also gained a prominent position in the Brazilian scene, culminating in its acquisition by Rappi. This significant transition led Felipe Criniti to assume the role of CEO of Rappi Brazil, carrying forward the mission of enhancing and empowering the lives of delivery drivers in the country.

"I remember a conversation that was transformative for the company. The insight that changed our business came from a draft we made together on a whiteboard after listening to various delivery drivers, restaurants, and others."

"I remember a conversation that was transformative for the company. The insight that changed our business came from a draft we made together on a whiteboard after listening to various delivery drivers, restaurants, and others."

"I remember a conversation that was transformative for the company. The insight that changed our business came from a draft we made together on a whiteboard after listening to various delivery drivers, restaurants, and others."

"I remember a conversation that was transformative for the company. The insight that changed our business came from a draft we made together on a whiteboard after listening to various delivery drivers, restaurants, and others."

Felipe Criniti, Founder @ Box delivery / CEO Rappi Brasil

Felipe Criniti, Founder @ Box delivery / CEO Rappi Brasil

Felipe Criniti, Founder @ Box delivery / CEO Rappi Brasil

How did Box Delivery accelerate with weme's solutions?

Memorable Experiences for the Customer

We made the customer journey memorable, from design to usability, driving business growth with a focus on the user.

New Digital Business Models

We explore growth opportunities through innovative digital business models focused on user needs.